Hello hello! My name is Kenna May and welcome to my new blog!
This is sort of a new endeavor for me. For the past nine-ish years I’ve been ‘blogging’ (if you can call it that) over on Tumblr, and for a couple years before that I made semi-weekly Blogger updates, but all of that has been me as a kid having fun on the internet. As I try to move towards having a more professional online presence, I want to have a space that’s entirely my own to share my work as well.
So I bought my first website and domain! Like an adult person would!
Normally whenever I start a new blog I make my first post a kind of instruction guide on how I will be using that blog, and then I promptly drop the prescribed format and mess around instead. So this time I’m not doing that. I’ll just have to see what this turns in to naturally.
A little about me: As of writing this I’m 26, and I go by Kenna May, but that’s sort of an online pseudonym (I grew up in a tech-savvy household that was also very paranoid and safety conscious). I won’t post my full legal name here, only say that you may also see me refer to myself by the name ‘Ronni’, and while Kenna may be a pseudonym it is the name I associate with all my writing and editing work.
I’m also non-binary, and prefer the pronouns they and them! You can read more about non-binary genders here, and see examples of how to use singular they/them pronouns on If this all makes you uncomfortable or confused, that’s OK! I don’t mind if you use the he/him or she/her pronouns on me, either. And if you ever want to know more, I don’t mind answering respectful questions at all!
You can see a little bit more about me on my Bio page, linked in the header.